Breaking News:
Measure T Challenged!
On August 27, 2008 Pacific
Legal Foundation, representing Mercer Fraser
Corporation and O & M Industries, filed a lawsuit challenging Measure
T in federal court. 
Click here for more information...
People's Victory!
On June 6, 2006 Measure T passed with 55% of
the vote. Big thanks and congratulations to all
the volunteers who helped pass Measure T!
If you have questions, would like an interview with the organizers,
or would like information about how you can run a campaign like Measure
T in your community - please contact us. Measure T went into effect
on July 6, 2006. This was exactly one year from the date
we handed in our notice of intent to circulate the petition to
the Elections Department.
We have decided
to leave the website up and as is so that people can see the campaign
we ran (with a few small changes to make it easier for the people tuning
in now to follow what happened during the campaign).
We may create a new website to follow the rest of this story as it
develops. You can check the News Articles Archive for
more information about this historic victory and for follow-up news
stories and press releases about the campaign. We will also update
the Announcements page when there is
significant information to report.
For ungoing information about the movement to challenge corporate
rights and assert community rights, visit the website
of Democracy Unlimited.
 "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
- Thomas Jefferson
The Boston Tea Party was an act of defiance by our Founding Fathers against unchecked corporate power.
In Humboldt County we also know what it's like to be pushed around by large corporations. In 1999 Wal-Mart spent $250,000 in an attempt to change Eureka's zoning laws. In 2004 Maxxam spent $300,000 trying to recall our District Attorney after only three months in office. The price to fight these giants and defend our democracy came at a tremendous cost.
Unelected judges and corporate lawyers claim that corporations are legal "persons" with the same rights as human beings. "Corporate personhood" weakens people's rights to free speech and equal protection. Our Founding Fathers never intended corporations to have this kind of power.
Any corporation rich enough to sue can claim that laws protecting workers, the environment, communities, or small businesses violate their "rights."
Large corporations have used their "personhood" status to gain access to the ballot box and spend obscene amounts of money on push polling, paid petitioners and high-priced consultants.
It's time for a "T" Party of our own...
It's time for Measure T!
Measure T will protect local control by ensuring that only individuals, local organizations and local businesses can make financial contributions in Humboldt County elections.
Measure T is backed by the Humboldt Coalition for Community Rights, a group of local citizens dedicated to protecting our right to local control of our community.

Humboldt County Leaders Endorse Measure T!
Democratic Party of Humboldt County
Green Party of Humboldt County
Central Labor Council of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local #1684
Building and Construction Trades of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
Carpenters Union Local #751
Operating Engineers Union Local #3 AFL-CIO
Paul Gallegos, Humboldt County District Attorney
Peter LaVallee, Eureka Mayor
Chris Kerrigan, Eureka City Council
Dave Meserve, Arcata City Council
Harmony Groves, Arcata City Council
Paul Pitino, Arcata City Council
Bob Ornelas, Former Arcata Mayor
Connie Stewart, Former Arcata Mayor
Elizabeth Conner, Former Arcata City Council
Julie Fulkerson, Former Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
... and hundreds of other individuals and local businesses! Join us today!
View the full list of public endorsements!
Learn More!

Learn more about Measure T in a Pros and Cons Video, produced by Eileen McGee (51 mins)
Radio Ads

Chris Kerrigan, Eureka City Counsel, and Kate Christensen, owner of The Garden Gate, support Measure T! (1 min)

Paul Gallegos, Humboldt County District Attorney, and Nezzie Wade, community member, support Measure T! (1 min)
Larry Glass, owner of The Works, and Dennis Rael, owner of Los Bagles, support Measure T! (1 min)